Helen Marlen in TOP-11 Ukrainian Magento stores

According to the sites aggregator Store Leads, which contains data on more than 4 million online stores worldwide, Helen Marlen ranks 11th among more than 860 Magento sites in Ukraine.
This rank is calculated using a formula that combines traffic estimates, page ranking, search engine evaluation, server response speed, site adaptability, as well as the popularity of the site on social networks.
Initially, the development team was tasked to optimize the site, connecting CRM and integrating the mobile application on iOS. The previous website of the company did not cope with the volume of products in database and customer traffic and it was decided to move the site to CMS Magento.
As a result, 2 stores Helen Marlen and Baby Marlen, which is responsible for the line of children's goods, were merged, OroCRM connected, ApplePay and dozens of other services configured. A key feature of the site is the ability to change prices for tens of thousands of products in seconds, receiving data from completely different suppliers.
Do not forget about the individually designed loyalty program, which allows you to accumulate points and pay for them in subsequent purchases. This program has significantly reduced the outflow of customers, increased customer returns to the site and the frequency of purchases by regular customers.
It's no secret that the speed of the site has a positive effect on "customer experience" and brand loyalty. And higher search engine rank improves the site's position in search requests. All these and other parameters lead to increased conversions and, as a result, to increased sales and profits of the company.
I would like to congratulate all those who participated in the creation and development of such a progressive platform and wish our partner to reach the top of the ranking as soon as possible.
If you also want to see your store at the top of the rankings and get the most out of your business, come to us, we know how to do it.